{ "stands": [ { "name": "Fridge", "image": "fridge.jpg", "type": "barrel", "view": [ "fridge1.jpg", "fridge2.jpg", "fridge3.jpg" ], "location": [ 47.49304852, -93.39113721000001 ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "2010", "Description": "Formerly \"Alan's Barrel\" (located where Alan's castle is now). Originally built (probably 1970s or 1980s) by some combination of Alan, Vernon, and Irving from old windmills. Moved to the driveway in 2010 when Alan's castle was built. Shortly thereafter, the southeast leg was hit with the brushmower, rendering it unusable, and replaced with a refrigerator. The large hole in the barrel was the result of an accidental discharge of Alan's .44 Magnum pistol." } }, { "name": "Tupperware", "image": "tupperware.jpg", "type": "castle", "view": [ "tupperware1.jpg", "tupperware2.jpg", "tupperware3.jpg" ], "location": [ 47.49564466, -93.39410528 ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "2017", "Description": "Stand and platform purchased new at a steep discount from RMI in Little Falls (https://rotomoldinginc.com/). Dave and Celine installed and assembled in a separate late-September trip. This stand replaced a post stand that had stood in this location for several years; \"For a few years, every single time I went out there, I saw a deer!\" \u2014Dave Swift. The shooting lane to the north of the stand was naturally free of trees, which made construction of a new shooting lane very straightforward. This location was especially desirable because it was our only stand placed in the NW 40." } }, { "name": "Castle", "image": "castle.jpg", "type": "castle", "view": [ "castle1.jpg", "castle2.jpg", "castle3.jpg", "castle4.jpg" ], "location": [ 47.49585212, -93.39130727000001 ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "Late 70s/early 80s", "Description": "This stand was built and originally occupied largely by Irving, and was the first enclosed stand on the property. The stand was assessed as healthy in September 2006, and was discovered on the ground that November. A new castle was built on the original base in 2007. The original wooden base was replaced with a metal base of Tim's design in 2023." } }, { "name": "Ladder", "image": "ladder.jpg", "type": "tree", "view": [ "ladder1.jpg", "ladder2.jpg", "ladder3.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "\"Predates me, I think\" —Dave", "Description": "" }, "location": [ 47.49670328333334, -93.38847981333333 ] }, { "name": "Alan's", "image": "alans.jpg", "type": "castle", "view": [ "alans1.jpg", "alans2.jpg", "alans3.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "1970s (TODO)", "Description": "Half-wall platform in 2010; enclosed stands built 2012 Zack Larson" }, "location": [ 47.49460865, -93.39097404 ] }, { "name": "East Barrel", "image": "eastbarrel.jpg", "type": "barrel", "view": [ "eastbarrel1.jpg", "eastbarrel2.jpg", "eastbarrel3.jpg", "eastbarrel4.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "", "Description": "70s or 80s, repurposed windmill stand?" }, "location": [ 47.49519986, -93.387005555 ] }, { "name": "Iron Castle", "image": "ironcastle.jpg", "type": "castle", "view": [ "ironcastle1.jpg", "ironcastle2.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "1990s?", "Description": "Also \"Iron tree\". Lawrence Deer Club's second castle, after The Castle. A successor to the Mile-high stand, purchased from Fleet Farm for $400. Installed further west than the original stand to stay on our property. Camo paint job by Paul Adams." }, "location": [ 47.494131005, -93.38646539500002 ] }, { "name": "Mile-high stand (TODO: rename)", "image": "irontree.jpg", "type": "tree", "view": [ "irontree1.jpg", "irontree2.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "", "Description": "Occasionally also \"Iron tree\" (as opposed to \"Iron Castle\"). Current location is maybe 8 feet lower than historic height. Likely the location for Scott's famous thirteen-shot kill. Almost always Richard's hunting spot of choice. As he aged (perhaps around when he turned 70 years old in 1994), an easier-to-climb stand was needed, so the Iron Castle was installed as a successor. TODO: whose stand is this? Dad thinks maybe Kim?" }, "location": [ 47.49430932, -93.38599909000001 ] }, { "name": "Three-Legged Barrel", "image": "threeleggedbarrel.jpg", "type": "barrel", "view": [ "threeleggedbarrel1.jpg", "threeleggedbarrel2.jpg", "threeleggedbarrel3.jpg" ], "stories": [ "Dave: That stand has never been particularly productive. I only ever saw one deer out of that stand -- a decent buck. The deer was to the east, so I needed to take a left-handed shot…and the rifle went \"click\" because I hadn't fully closed the breech. The deer ran off. A few moments later, a shot from the north: Paul Adams had gotten the deer." ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "", "Description": "70s or 80s, not windmill parts. Maybe built by Alan? Originally not well-liked because of instability. 2023 barrel replaced and ladder flipped upside down/steps on barrel for easier climbing." }, "location": [ 47.49214061, -93.38710683000001 ] }, { "name": "Hummock", "image": "hummock.jpg", "type": "tree", "active": false, "view": [ "hummock1.jpg", "hummock2.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "", "Description": "\"Prolific\" --Dave -- a good view of a lake to the south, and a bog to the east. " }, "location": [ 47.49135555555556, -93.38455972222224 ] }, { "name": "Sofa", "image": "sofa.jpg", "type": "tree", "view": [ "sofa1.jpg", "sofa2.jpg", "sofa3.jpg", "sofa4.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "1990ish, shortly before Dave's first year", "Description": "Alternately \"couch\" or \"davenport\". Shooting lanes went in either 2005 or 2006 (per Google Earth historic imagery), shortly after JBS' predecessors logged the area. Major rebuild in 2023, after half of tree above fork fell over. New ladder made out of square steel tubing from GSL batting cage, installed in 2020." }, "location": [ 47.49022563, -93.38653060000001 ] }, { "name": "Ridge", "image": "ridge.jpg", "type": "tree", "view": [ "ridge1.jpg", "ridge2.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "TODO", "Description": "John Graupmann's metal two-person stand. Installed 2015-2017 (before 2018 logging completed). Path rerouted after logging." }, "location": [ 47.48936904, -93.38791247 ] }, { "name": "Point", "image": "point.jpg", "type": "castle", "view": [ "point1.jpg", "point2.jpg", "point3.jpg" ], "attributes": { "Year Established": "2008", "Description": "Originally \"South Castle\". Post stand in 2008, half-wall stand in 2009, castle in 2012. Many deer were seen from the post, so decided to put up a permanent stand. The first morning of half-wall stand, 8 deer seen before 8:30 (including 8pt buck). Next day, another buck 7:30am. New ladder (with Sofa) 2020(?)" }, "location": [ 47.48888177333333, -93.38977630333333 ] } ], "fruit-trees_comment": "Dave attempted planting two fruit trees 2008 between Alan's stand and castle. Neither made it a year.", "fruit-trees": [ { "type": "Honeycrisp", "location": [], "attributes": { "Year Planted": 2019, "_TODO": "#TODO", "Description": "" } }, { "type": "Honeycrisp", "location": [], "attributes": { "Year Planted": 2019, "_TODO": "#TODO", "Description": "" } }, { "type": "Honeycrisp", "location": [], "attributes": { "Year Planted": 2019, "_TODO": "#TODO", "Description": "" } }, { "type": "Honeycrisp", "location": [], "attributes": { "Year Planted": 2019, "_TODO": "#TODO", "Description": "" } } ], "buildings": [ "shack built around 1980, put up over a weekend. Old one pushed over and burned. New cabin was reshingled once, floors rebuilt in 2006, moved to new foundation in 2019, eaves 2020, steel siding, new windows, and porch 2021-2022, steel roof added 2024 for $16500.", "outhouse built by Irving pre-1992 (when Dad started coming up; relatively new then), replaced older outhouse, which was 6 ft further north", "" ], "deer": [ "TODO", { "date": "2023-11-11 17:00:00", "hunter": "Chris Lemke", "animal": "9pt buck", "stand": "Sofa", "notes": "Tracked after dark during a snowstorm", "_photo": null }, { "date": "2023-11-11 17:00:00", "hunter": "Chris Lemke", "animal": "9pt buck", "stand": "Sofa", "notes": "Tracked after dark during a snowstorm", "_photo": null } ] }