{ services.caddy.virtualHosts."home.chandlerswift.com".extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip file_server root * /srv/www/home.chandlerswift.com reverse_proxy /grafana/* localhost:3000 # hide .git # ??? file_server /sheets/* { browse ${./caddy-browse-template.html} # TOOD: is there a better way to strip the prefix here? This shouldn't be # vulnerable to a directory traversal attack (and it doesn't really # matter anyway; everything in there is public somewhere or another!) but # it sorta feels wrong to do this without a `/sheets` suffix. root /mnt/bigbird-public } ''; systemd.tmpfiles.settings."10-home-chandlerswift-com" = { "/srv/www/home.chandlerswift.com" = { d = {}; }; }; }