.PHONY: deploy
deploy: build
	rsync --archive --verbose --delete dist/ zirconium.home.chandlerswift.com:/var/www/maps.chandlerswift.com/

.PHONY: clean
	rm -r dist

.PHONY: build
build: # TODO: add get_data as a prereq
	npm run build

# in theory I could use non-phony targets here, but then I'd have to be updating
# this file much more often. Maybe as things stabilize!
.PHONY: get_data
	@find ./ -name "get_data.*" \! -executable | grep . >/dev/null \
		&& echo "Non-executable files found; consider running:" \
		&& find ./ -name "get_data.*" \! -executable -exec echo " " chmod +x {} \; \
		&& exit 1 \
		|| true

	@find ./ -name "get_data.*" -executable \
			-exec sh -c 'cd $$(dirname {}) && echo processing {}; ./$$(basename {}) | sed --unbuffered "s/^/    /"' \;