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@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
"storymap": {
"slides": [
"type": "overview",
"text": {
"headline": "Ireland 2024 <small>June 26-July 6</small>",
"text": "<p>Käthe's family invited us to join them for a trip to Ireland for 10 days this summer.</p>"
"media": {
"url": "pictures/all-in-front-of-cormacs-chapel-cashel-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/all-in-front-of-cormacs-chapel-cashel.jpg",
"credit": "",
"caption": "Standing in front of <a href=''s_Chapel'>Cormac's Chapel</a>. Left: Ted & Sharon; Front: Greg & Natalie; Right: Eloise & Don"
"text": {
"headline": "Arrival",
"text": "<p>We flew in and out of Dublin. Ted and Sharon had already been in Europe for a wedding, so they picked us up at the airport.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.4284,
"lon": -6.2416
"media": {
"url": "pictures/kathe-preflight-stretch-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/kathe-preflight-stretch.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe, doing her pre-flight stretching"
"text": {
"headline": "Rossnaree House <small>Nights 1-3</small>",
"text": "<p>We stayed the first few nights at the Rossnaree House, a historic estate with views of Knowth and Newgrange. Neither of us had ever stayed in a house <a href=''>mentioned on Wikipedia</a> before!</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.6903,
"lon": -6.4982
"media": {
"url": "",
"credit": "<a href=''></a>",
"caption": "Front of Rossnaree House"
"text": {
"headline": "Rossnaree House <small>Nights 1-3</small>",
"text": "<p>They had a peacock on the grounds!</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.6903,
"lon": -6.4982
"media": {
"url": "pictures/rossnaree-peacock-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/rossnaree-peacock.jpg",
"caption": "Peacock at Rossnaree House"
"text": {
"headline": "Knowth Tomb",
"text": "<p>Almost immediately after arriving, we went off to visit the passage tombs at Knowth and Newgrange. Thought to be built around 3200BC (before Stonehenge or the Pyramids at Giza!), the mounds at Knowth were thought to have been used for housing, defense, and burial.</p><p>More information on <a href=''>the UNESCO World Heritage Site page</a></p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.7012,
"lon": -6.4914
"media": {
"url": "pictures/knowth-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/knowth.jpg",
"caption": "Foreground: an old foundation; Mid: Ted and Greg departing; background: passage tombs"
"text": {
"headline": "Newgrange Tomb",
"text": "<p>Almost immediately after arriving, we went off to visit the passage tombs at Knowth and Newgrange. Thought to be built around 3200BC (before Stonehenge or the Pyramids at Giza!), the mounds at Knowth were thought to have been used for housing, defense, and burial.</p><p>More information on <a href=''>the UNESCO World Heritage Site page</a></p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.6946,
"lon": -6.4755
"media": {
"url": "pictures/newgrange-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/newgrange.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe in front of the Newgrange tomb. We got to go inside! No pictures allowed, but you'll have to take our word for it that it was pretty neat."
"text": {
"headline": "Hill of Tara",
"text": "<p>The next day, Käthe and family visited the Hill of Tara, another passage tomb. (Chandler was valiantly fighting jet lag via a five-hour nap.) Greg's then-fiancée-now-wife Natalie spent some time painting in a church on the grounds, while the others braved the high winds to go see the <a href=''>Stone of Destiny</a> (or \"Lia Fáil\", or \"Speaking Stone\"), where according to legend the High Kings of Ireland were crowned.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.5799,
"lon": -6.6121
"media": {
"url": "pictures/stone-of-destiny-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/stone-of-destiny.jpg",
"caption": "High winds indeed! Stone of Destiny in background. From left: Sharon, Greg, Don, Elouise, Käthe. "
"text": {
"headline": "Ted tries a pot dessert in Ireland",
"text": "<p>At our hostess Aisling's recommendation, we dined at Inside Out in Slane. Ted was delighted with his \"Chocolate plant pot\", which was delivered exactly as advertised! (Other food and desserts were also delicious, if not as photogenic.)</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.7098,
"lon": -6.5421
"media": {
"url": "pictures/ted-tries-pot-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/ted-tries-pot.jpg"
"text": {
"headline": "Clonmacnoise",
"text": "<p>Heading west! We stopped to see Clonmacnoise (pronounced phonetically), a ninth-century monastery founded by Saint Ciarán (definitely <i>not</i> phonetic! Pronounced, as far as I can tell, roughly as KEE-ran), with notably well-preserved carved stone <a href=''>High Crosses</a>. (<a href=''>more at Wikipedia</a>)</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.3259,
"lon": -7.9869
"media": {
"url": "pictures/clonmacnoise-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/clonmacnoise.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe and Chandler standing by O'Rourke's Tower, with Temple Connor (an active church of the Church of Ireland!) in the background"
"text": {
"headline": "Poulnabrone Dolmen",
"text": "<p>Another stop at Poulnabrone dolmen, an early Neolithic portal tomb. At least as interesting as the tomb was the surrounding karst limestone landscape, which was a bit surreal to drive into. (<a href=''>more at Wikipedia</a>)</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0486,
"lon": -9.1400
"media": {
"url": "pictures/poulnabrone-dolmen-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/poulnabrone-dolmen.jpg",
"caption": "Ted, Käthe, Chandler, and Greg as seen through the tomb"
"text": {
"headline": "Daly's House",
"text": "<p>Nights four and five were spent at Daly's House in Doolin, County Clare, at a B&B hosted by Susan Daly (and Lab/Retriever mix Bob and furry mop-creature Ted, a name which caused confusion to no end).</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0142,
"lon": -9.3863
"media": {
"url": "pictures/dalys-house-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/dalys-house.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe was delighted to be able to see cows from her bedroom!"
"text": {
"headline": "Doolin Music House",
"text": "<p>Our first night in Doolin we went just up the hill to the <a href=''>Doolin Music House</a> for some traditional Irish music.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0141,
"lon": -9.3266
"media": {
"url": "pictures/doolin-music-house.mp4"
"text": {
"headline": "Sheepdog demonstration",
"text": "<p>A rainy morning, but the sheepdogs were begrudgingly out anyway! We went to Caherconnell Sheepdog Demonstrations and watched the border collies respond (mostly) to their handler's commands and round up the herd of sheep.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0419,
"lon": -9.1389
"media": {
"url": "pictures/sheepdog-demonstration.mp4",
"caption": "We watched part of the quartet of dogs round up the sheep, following the whistled commands of the demonstrator. (There is a distinct whistle for each dog to go right and left, so the trainer can individually steer each dog.) The dogs were all female, which is preferable because they train more easily. Jill, the youngest, was partway through her training, and wasn't quiiiiite as responsive as the rest of the dogs were! Most of the repeated commands we heard were directed at her, in an increasingly exasperated tone of voice."
"text": {
"headline": "Burren Perfumery and Gardens", "TODO": "Wikipedia link",
"text": "<p>Greg graciously drove us to the Burren Perfumery. The perfumery itself was \"Boring\" (Käthe's words), but the drive was gorgeous, if somewhat treacherous. We enjoyed the view tremendously, and only had one near-miss due to a presumably-local driver going way too quickly for our comfort!</p><p>(Chandler) A brief digression into Ireland's road standards: Roads are classified into (roughly) five tiers. Motorways (M1, M2, M3) are built and maintained by the national government, and are limited access roads, roughly built to US Interstate standards. National primary roads (N1-N50) are the next grade down, and are, IMO, typically quite comfortable to drive, comparable to many US State Highways. National _secondary_ roads are still reasonable, comparable to many US residential streets: no lane markings, and just enough for two cars to pass each other carefully. Regional roads are the next tier down, and are commonly wide enough to handle only one car. Instead, to allow oncoming traffic to pass, there are regular widened spots along the road to allow one vehicle to pull off. Finally, pictured here is a local road. I have to imagine this was sufficient for horses, but it's a bit scary for vehicles! Winding roads with blind turns—and with only one lane shared with oncoming traffic—makes for some scary driving!"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0355,
"lon": -9.1153
"media": {
"url": "pictures/roads-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/roads.jpg",
"caption": "Looking down over a winding narrow stretch of <a href=''>L1042</a> on our way to the Perfumery"
"text": {
"headline": "Cliffs of Moher",
"text": "<p>\"The quintessential Irish view, I feel like\" —Käthe</p><p>We hiked up to take in the view at the Visitors Center. Afterward, Käthe, Chandler, and Sharon <a href=''>hiked back to Doolin</a> (about 4.5 miles) in time for a late dinner at a local pub.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.9732,
"lon": -9.4308
"media": {
"url": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher.jpg",
"caption": "Looking South along the coast from the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Center"
"text": {
"headline": "Cliffs of Moher",
"text": "<p>\"The quintessential Irish view, I feel like\" —Käthe</p><p>We hiked up to take in the view at the Visitors Center. Afterward, Käthe, Chandler, and Sharon <a href=''>hiked back to Doolin</a> (about 4.5 miles) in time for a late dinner at a local pub.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.9959,
"lon": -9.4132
"media": {
"url": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher-2-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher-2.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe and Sharon, partway back on the hike to Doolin"
"text": {
"headline": "Cliffs of Moher",
"text": "<p>\"The quintessential Irish view, I feel like\" —Käthe</p><p>We hiked up to take in the view at the Visitors Center. Afterward, Käthe, Chandler, and Sharon <a href=''>hiked back to Doolin</a> (about 4.5 miles) in time for a late dinner at a local pub.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.9988,
"lon": -9.4095
"media": {
"url": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher-3-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/cliffs-of-moher-3.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe and Sharon, callously disregarding the sign's ominous warning"
"text": {
"headline": "Breakfast at Daly's House",
"text": "<p>Susan's brother Sean cooked us a delicious hot breakfast to order each morning.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.0142,
"lon": -9.3863
"media": {
"url": "pictures/breakfast-at-dalys-house-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/breakfast-at-dalys-house.jpg",
"caption": "From left: Sharon, Don, Elouise, Susan (our hostess), Natalie, Greg, Chandler, Käthe"
"text": {
"headline": "Killarney Falconry",
"text": "<p>Falconer Geoffrey introduced us to several birds of prey. Each of us had a falcon (Charlie or Michelangelo) fly onto our outstretched arm, and also got to hold each owl (Helen, pictured on our mailed card, as well as Sam and The Professor).</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.0525,
"lon": -9.6232
"media": {
"url": "pictures/killarney-falconry.mp4",
"caption": "Käthe with Charlie the Harris's hawk"
"text": {
"headline": "Killarney Falconry",
"text": "<p>Falconer Geoffrey introduced us to several birds of prey. Each of us had a falcon (Charlie or Michelangelo) fly onto our outstretched arm, and also got to hold each owl (Helen, pictured on our mailed card, as well as Sam and The Professor).</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.0525,
"lon": -9.6232
"media": {
"url": "pictures/killarney-falconry-2-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/killarney-falconry-2.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler holds Helen the Great Grey Owl; Greg, in the background, holds The Professor, a White-Faced Scops Owl. Natalie, on the far right, is holding Sam the barn owl slightly out of frame."
"text": {
"headline": "Skellig Michael",
"text": "<p>Boat rides to Skellig Michael, an island seven miles off the western coast of Ireland, are doubly limited: The Irish Office of Public Works limits tourism to 180 people per day to preserve the island, and the weather limits visits further. We weren't sure if we'd be able to go due to weather until the morning of, but despite heavy fog and light rain, we were able to take the hour-long boat ride out to the island.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.8866,
"lon": -10.3657
"media": {
"url": "pictures/skellig-michael-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/skellig-michael.jpg",
"caption": "On the ~11 mile, hour-long boat ride out to Skellig Michael"
"text": {
"headline": "Skellig Michael",
"text": "<p>Skellig Michael is the larger of two islands (the other being \"Little Skellig\", with the name \"skellig\" from the Irish word \"sceilig\", meaning \"splinter of stone\"—an apt name!). Skellig Michael gained notoriety with its prominent featuring in the Star Wars sequel trilogy as Ahch-To, the birthplace of the Jedi Order and residency of the ancient Jedi texts.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.771673,
"lon": -10.539075
"media": {
"url": "pictures/skellig-michael-2-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/skellig-michael-2.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler, Käthe, Ted, and Sharon partway up the side of Skellig Michael"
"text": {
"headline": "Skellig Michael",
"text": "<p>The heavy fog (which did lift somewhat over the course of our time on the island) did have its perks: While our visibility was somewhat limited (this itself being arguably a perk, since it added to the mystique of the island and limited Käthe's perception of the height), it also meant that the puffins mostly stayed in their roosts instead of going out fishing! Käthe took several dozen pictures of puffins, a few of which are included in the <a href='/2024/creatures-of-ireland/'>Creatures of Ireland photo set</a>.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.7699,
"lon": -10.5393
"media": {
"url": "pictures/skellig-michael-3-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/skellig-michael-3.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler hiking back down from the top of the island"
"text": {
"headline": "Bray Tower",
"text": "<p>We decided the hike up to the top of Skellig Michael just wasn't quite enough walking for one day, so we did another! On the boat ride back from Skellig Michael, we had noticed this tower. OpenStreetMap both identified it and showed a hiking trail out to it, so we ventured over there later in the afternoon.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.8854,
"lon": -10.4249
"media": {
"url": "pictures/bray-tower-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/bray-tower.jpg",
"caption": "The view from the south-ish window of Bray Tower"
"text": {
"headline": "Bray Tower",
"text": "<p>We decided the hike up to the top of Skellig Michael just wasn't quite enough walking for one day, so we did another! On the boat ride back from Skellig Michael, we had noticed this tower. OpenStreetMap both identified it and showed a hiking trail out to it, so we ventured over there later in the afternoon.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.8855,
"lon": -10.4234
"media": {
"url": "pictures/from-bray-tower-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/from-bray-tower.jpg",
"caption": "A picture Sharon took of Skellig Michael (right) and Little Skellig (left), as viewed from just southeast of Bray Tower"
"text": {
"headline": "Bray Tower",
"text": "<p>We decided the hike up to the top of Skellig Michael just wasn't quite enough walking for one day, so we did another! On the boat ride back from Skellig Michael, we had noticed this tower. OpenStreetMap both identified it and showed a hiking trail out to it, so we ventured over there later in the afternoon.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.8857,
"lon": -10.4234
"media": {
"url": "pictures/from-bray-tower-2-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/from-bray-tower-2.jpg",
"caption": "A picture by Ted of Sharon taking the previous picture"
"text": {
"headline": "Bray Tower",
"text": "<p>We decided the hike up to the top of Skellig Michael just wasn't quite enough walking for one day, so we did another! On the boat ride back from Skellig Michael, we had noticed this tower. OpenStreetMap both identified it and showed a hiking trail out to it, so we ventured over there later in the afternoon.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.8857,
"lon": -10.4238
"media": {
"url": "pictures/from-bray-tower-3-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/from-bray-tower-3.jpg",
"caption": "A picture by Käthe of Ted taking the previous picture"
"text": {
"headline": "Bray Tower",
"text": "<p>We decided the hike up to the top of Skellig Michael just wasn't quite enough walking for one day, so we did another! On the boat ride back from Skellig Michael, we had noticed this tower. OpenStreetMap both identified it and showed a hiking trail out to it, so we ventured over there later in the afternoon.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.88559, "TODO": 1,
"lon": -10.4243
"media": {
"url": "pictures/from-bray-tower-4-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/from-bray-tower-4.jpg",
"caption": "A picture by Chandler of Käthe taking the previous picture"
"text": {
"headline": "Road trip stretch break!",
"text": "<p>We stopped off at a nice lake for a few minutes to stretch our legs, eat some chocolate, and enjoy the nice views.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 51.9976,
"lon": -9.5508
"media": {
"url": "pictures/many-katherines-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/many-katherines.jpg",
"caption": "From left: Käthe, Käthe, Käthe, Käthe, Käthe, Käthe, Käthe, and Käthe"
"text": {
"headline": "Doneraile Court",
"text": "<p>On our way up to Cashel, we stopped to tour Doneraile Court. Highlights included pizza, apple juice, and a very cute dog named Panda (featured in \"<a href='/2024/creatures-of-ireland/'>Creatures of Ireland</a>\").</p><p>Wikipedia: Doneraile Court is a late-17th century country house near the town of Doneraile in County Cork, Ireland. It stands in 160 hectares (400 acres) of walled parkland known as Doneraile Park or Doneraile Estate. <i><a href=''>from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a></i></p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.2162,
"lon": -8.5831
"media": {
"url": "pictures/doneraile-court-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/doneraile-court.jpg",
"caption": "Doneraile Court as viewed from the northeast; photo taken by Sharon."
"text": {
"headline": "Cashel Palace",
"text": "<p>Sharon's birthday was spent at the Cashel Palace. We could tell it was different from other hotels when upon our arrival we were greeted by an éclair in our room. We felt a little over-attended to, but did delight in raiding the complimentary contents of the fridge!</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.5173,
"lon": -7.8893
"media": {
"url": "pictures/cashel-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/cashel.jpg",
"caption": "Cashel Palace, as seen from the gardens in the back"
"text": {
"headline": "Rock of Cashel",
"text": "<p>Up the hill from the Cashel Palace is the Rock of Cashel, a rock outcropping with a cathedral and other buildings built atop it. A quick walk through the gardens and up the hill, and we were there for a tour.</p><p>“While the rest of the group toured Cormac's Chapel, I watched the cows. I have nothing else to say about this.” —Käthe</p><p><a href=''>More at Wikipedia</a></p>"
"location": {
"lat": 52.5202,
"lon": -7.8907
"media": {
"url": "pictures/rock-of-cashel-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/rock-of-cashel.jpg",
"caption": "The Cathedral as seen from the northeast"
"text": {
"headline": "Irish National Stud",
"text": "<p>After an informative tour around the Irish National Stud (a breeding center for expensive race horses), we toured a horse training simulator. Here, a participant chooses a horse and training regimen, and finally races the horse. Käthe prioritized horse pampering to make sure her horse liked her. Chandler prioritized strength and speed. One of them got first; one got sixth (of seven!). We'll let you guess who placed where.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.1448,
"lon": -6.9018
"media": {
"url": "pictures/irish-national-stud.mp4",
"caption": "Ted clinching a victory in the horse racing simulator"
"text": {
"headline": "Irish National Stud Gardens",
"text": "<p>In addition to hosting horses, the Irish National Stud has two gardens to wander through while coming down from a horse racing high. St. Fiachra’s is a lovely natural-looking garden designed to capture Ireland’s landscape. We spent most of our time in the other: a Japanese Garden with meandering paths showcasing immaculately manicured plants, with cave-like tunnels to walk through, and with streams to cross on stepping stones.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.1448,
"lon": -6.9018
"media": {
"url": "pictures/irish-national-stud-gardens.mp4",
"caption": "Käthe crossing a stream on stepping stones"
"text": {
"headline": "Late-night Xi'an Street Food",
"text": "<p>After a late night rental car return, Käthe, Chandler, Greg, and Ted discovered that most food establishments close prior to 10:30PM in Dublin. Luckily, we were pointed in the direction of a tiny but delicious Chinese restaurant with seating for mayyyybe 20 people. Spring rolls and pad thai never tasted so delicious.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.3410,
"lon": -6.2597
"media": {
"url": "pictures/xian-street-food-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/xian-street-food.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler and Greg enjoying an order of Pad Thai"
"text": {
"headline": "Trinity College/Book of Kells",
"text": "<p>We visited Trinity College where we saw the Book of Kells and walked through the <a href=''>Old Library</a>. Currently, the library is undergoing renovations to implement technology that will better preserve the collections, so there were no books. However, even with empty shelves, the architecture was impressive, and there were still historic artifacts on display, along with an extensive collection of busts of writers and philosophers.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.34390,
"lon": -6.25649
"media": {
"url": "pictures/trinity-college-old-library-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/trinity-college-old-library.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler reconnecting with his ancestry (\"D. SWIFT\" bust in background)"
"text": {
"headline": "Last day: exploring Dublin",
"text": "<p>We spent our last full day wandering through Dublin in groups both large and small, starting with a tour of the National Leprechaun Museum, where we heard a folk retelling of the mystical tales of the mischevious creatures. Käthe explored the National Museum of Archaeology, and joined Natalie at a local tattoo shop where Natalie received a Book of Kells-inspired piece on her arm. We (Chandler and Käthe) capped our evening by walking through the heaviest Ireland rainstorm we had experienced to go see the Molly Malone statue.</p>"
"location": {
"old_lat": 53.3461,
"old_lon": -6.2670,
"lat": 53.3412,
"lon": -6.2603
"media": {
"url": "pictures/dublin-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/dublin.jpg",
"caption": "Back: Käthe, Sharon, Chandler; Front: Natalie, Greg"
"text": {
"headline": "St. Audoen's Church",
"text": "<p>Our wandering took us past St. Audoen's church, which we toured. Built in stages starting in the 12th century, and variously occupied and maintained over the centuries, it's still an operating church, with services every Sunday!</p><p><a href=''s_Church,_Dublin_(Church_of_Ireland)'>More on Wikipedia</a></p> <p><b>The Organ of St Audoen's Church, Cornmarket</b></p><p>This organ was built in 1885 by the firm Forster and Andrews of Hull, and subsequently refurbished in 2004 by Trevor Crowe.</p><p>The organ has 2 manuals, Choir (lower keyboard) and Great (upper keyboard) and a pedalboard. Both divisions are enclosed in a single swell box operated by an un-balanced pedal at the right of the pedalboard. The shutters of the box are visible through the façade pipes.</p><p>The organ is small, having only 8 speaking stops, but is nonetheless remarkable for its range of tone and colour among the various combinations of these stops.</p><p>The organ is played regularly, and is still playable without electricity by using the hand-pumped bellows to the left of the instrument.</p><p><b>Specifications:</b></p><p><b>Great</b></p><ul><li>Open Diapason 8´</li><li>Stopped Diapason 8´</li><li>Principal 4´</li><li>Fifteenth 2´</li><li>Oboe 8´</li></ul><p><b>Choir</b></p><ul><li>Gamba 8´</li><li>Waldflote 4´</li></ul><p><b>Pedal</b></p><ul><li>Bourdon 16´</li></ul><p><b>Couplers</b></p><ul><li>Ch/Gt</li><li>Gt/Ped</li><li>Ch/Ped</li></ul>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.34371,
"lon": -6.27404
"media": {
"url": "pictures/st-audoens-church-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/st-audoens-church.jpg",
"caption": "Chandler by the 1885 Forster and Andrews pipe organ"
"text": {
"headline": "Surprise extra morning of exploring!",
"text": "<p>After receiving a 4.5 hour flight delay notification (thankfully PRIOR to leaving for the airport), we had a much more leisurely final morning than originally planned. We had a less-rushed breakfast followed by a lovely wander through St. Stephen’s Green.</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.3389,
"lon": -6.2585
"media": {
"url": "pictures/st-stephens-green-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/st-stephens-green.jpg",
"caption": "Käthe and Chandler greeting the swans in St. Stephen's Green, Dublin"
"text": {
"headline": "Heading back home",
"text": "<p>Eventually, time to go: We hailed a taxi that would fit the six of us (now excluding Don and Elouise, who would stay a day longer), our luggage, and two wheelchairs back to the airport. Technically…we managed!</p>"
"location": {
"lat": 53.3409,
"lon": -6.2558
"media": {
"url": "pictures/back-to-the-airport-sm.jpg",
"link": "pictures/back-to-the-airport.jpg",
"caption": "From left: Natalie, Ted, Greg, and Käthe. Chandler and Sharon were crammed in the third row with wheelchair parts, taking the picture"
"map_type": "osm:standard"
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