83 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File

# Turns out alltheplaces has done all the hard work here; we can use their
# (CC0-licensed) data rather than trying to replicate the scraper ourselves.
# Unfortunately, many of the stores' individual location searches, including the
# parent TJX's list at, don't provide a list of
# stores, and only a search result. Some do, e.g. Sierra, with a chunk of
# javascript containing a list of JS objects, but this isn't consistent across
# stores, and I'm too lazy to reimplement something for every store. So, instead
# we take advantage of the hard work of those who have gone before us!
import requests
import json
data = requests.get('')
chains = {}
for store in data.json()['features']:
# store = {
# "type": "Feature",
# "id": "iaLJnlhrRR8daHXO0SGtTHQ2aYM=",
# "properties": {
# "ref": "93743",
# "@spider": "tjx",
# "shop": "department_store",
# "addr:full": "655 Sydney Ave",
# "addr:city": "Windsor",
# "addr:state": "ON",
# "addr:postcode": "N8X 5C4",
# "addr:country": "CA",
# "name": "Windsor",
# "phone": "+1 519-250-0494",
# "opening_hours": "Mo-Fr 09:30-21:00; Sa 09:00-21:00; Su 10:00-18:00",
# "brand": "Marshalls",
# "brand:wikidata": "Q15903261",
# "nsi_id": "marshalls-53f9e5"
# },
# "geometry": {
# "type": "Point",
# "coordinates": [
# -82.9981994628906,
# 42.2717170715332
# ]
# }
# },
if not store['properties']['brand'] in chains:
chains[store['properties']['brand']] = []
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": store['geometry'],
"properties": {
"name": store['properties']['name'],
"addr": store['properties']['addr:full'],
"city": store['properties']['addr:city'],
"state": store['properties']['addr:state'],
"postcode": store['properties']['addr:postcode'],
"country": store['properties']['addr:country'],
safe_name = lambda s: ''.join([c.lower() for c in s if c.isalpha()])
for chain, features in chains.items():
geojson = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": features,
with open(f"data/{safe_name(chain)}.geojson", "w") as f:
print(f"{len(features)} {chain} locations found")
with open('data/chains.js', 'w') as f:
for chain in chains:
f.write(f"import {safe_name(chain)} from './{safe_name(chain)}.geojson?url';\n")
f.write('\nexport default {\n')
for chain in chains:
f.write(f" \"{chain}\": {safe_name(chain)},\n")